Monday, May 6, 2013

How many assholes does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

The following story is true. Names have been changed to protect the asshole innocent.

He was mad.

They needed light bulbs for their new fancy lights in the conference room, so they sent me out to the nearest store to buy some. However, the only store within a two mile radius of us was a marina store. At this store they sold everything from ropes to boats. They carried lifejackets and every chemical a sailor might need. I seriously doubted if they would carry normal light bulbs, but I didn't question orders. Remember, this was the store they told me to go to.

I bought the cheapest light bulbs they had ($7.00), came back, and gave them to the necessary attorney (oh, yeah, I worked at a law firm).

The bulbs didn’t work. In fact, they pretty much burnt out as soon as the lights were turned on.

Henry, one of the partners at the firm, came over to my desk and in his usual condescending manner proceeded to make me feel like an idiot for buying “marina bulbs.” (WELL, I’M sorry, but I was JUST doing what you all told me to do.) He asked, in a way that made it seem like he didn't want an answer, why I thought the bulbs were so expensive. I said I didn't know. He said, "Because you bought them at a boat store..." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. No shit.

Henry then suggested I call the Maritime Deli, which was a local sandwich shop. He wanted me to see if they sold the proper light bulbs. (YEAH, okay, Henry. A deli is going to sell light bulbs)

I called anyways. The man at the deli laughed at me and said exactly what I had been thinking, “This is a deli…

“Yeah, okay,” I said. “I know this is a deli. Do you know of anywhere else that might sell light bulbs?”

He didn’t.

My only conclusion is that Henry is daft --Henry and all the other people who suggested I go to a Marina Shop for regular light bulbs.

(It wouldn't be so bad, but the fact that he actually got MAD at me for doing what he told me to do in the first place makes me really irritated.)

Henry then left the office in search of the right bulbs. He left in a huff, confident, I'm sure, that he could do a much better job at being successful. Upon his return he let it be known (smugly, I might add) that he only paid a fraction of what I paid.

Turns out, Henry bought the wrong bulbs as well. He was yelled at just as I was, and in an effort to perhaps lighten the mood, said, “Well, at least I didn’t buy boat bulbs.” His efforts worked –for me at least. I was having quite the time behind my desk.

What an ass.

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